On November 17, 2020, a high-ranking expert panel discussed the challenge of energy system transformation. The expansion of highly fluctuating, decentralised renewable energies poses major challenges for the highly complex energy supply system, which is geared to conventional large-scale power plants:
- Electricity is no longer produced exclusively where it is consumed.
- Electricity sometimes has to be transported over long distances to reach the consumer.
- Electricity production will be subject to greater fluctuations.
- In future, decentralised electricity generation will lead to a so-called reverse load flow.
- Electricity must also be available if it cannot be generated by renewable energy sources.
These challenges can only be met by efficient grid and storage technologies. During the webinar, MMg. Verena Gartner (WKO, YEP Austria), DI Herfried Harreiter (VERBUND), DI Sven Kaiser (E-Control), Dr. Robert Kobau (WEC Austria), DI Kurt Misak (APG), DI Franz Georg Pikl, BSc. (TU Graz, YEP Austria), Dr. Wolfgang Richter (TU Graz, YEP Austria), Dr. Stephan Schwarzer (WKO), Dr. Franz Strempfl (Energie Netze Steiermark), Dr. Michael Strugl (Deputy Chairman of VERBUND AG and President of WEC Austria), DI Theresia Vogel (KLIEN), Ivo Wakounig (WEC Austria) and DI Ernst Zeller (Director Hydropower, Afry Austria GmbH) discussed solutions and visions to support the success of the energy turnaround.
All interested parties have the opportunity to watch the webinar again or for the first time.
The final report of the working group “storage & grids” is available via the link next to it.