YEP – 2nd Cycle
YEP – 2nd Cycle
The second cycle of our YEP program was launched in February 2018 with a kick-off event at the Federation of Austrian Industries (Industriellenvereinigung). In their introductory speeches, DI Dieter Drexel (IV) and Prof. Dr. Brauner (TU Vienna) underlined the importance of YEP’s commitment and the need to process energy topics on a fact-based basis and make them accessible.
Working groups will develop future perspectives on the topics of
- Storage & Networks,
- Buildings,
- Industrial Processes,
- Oil & Gas and
- Austrian Climate and Energy Strategy #mission2030.
On April 27th, 2018, a future workshop organized by the Science, Technology and Society Unit of the Graz University of Technology (Prof. Getzinger / Mag. Suschek-Berger) was held for the second cycle of the YEP program, the results of which were incorporated into the further work of the YEP will be incorporated.
The first network meeting of the second cycle of the YEP program of WEC Austria took place at the invitation of Energie Burgenland on July 10th, 2018 in the InfoCenter Windpark Weiden. The event took place under the motto “Mobility in the Context of the Energiewende – A View from the Perspective of the Sector Coupling”.
Sustainability, innovation and urban energy solutions were at the centre of attention on March 21st, 2019 when the Young Energy Professionals from WEC Austria visited the ASCR research cooperation in the Urban Lakeside Region of Aspern.
Another network meeting took place on May 28th, 2019 at OMV’s head office.
As part of the 20th meeting of the Vienna Energy Club on 25 June 2019, YEP presented the first results from the YEP working groups. In the meantime, the final reports of the working groups on “buildings” and “storage & grids” are now available.
Board and participants of the second cycle are given in the following tables:
YEP, 2nd Cycle: Program Board
last name, title | first name | institution |
Baumann, Mag. | Elfriede | |
Baumgartner-Gabitzer, Dr. | Ulrike | |
Brauner, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Günther | TU Wien |
Getzinger, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Günter | AAU |
Kienberger, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Thomas | Montanuniversität Leoben |
Kobau, Dr. | Robert | World Energy Council |
Kroiss, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Dr.hc | Helmut | TU Wien |
Nachtnebel, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Hans Peter | Universität für Bodenkultur |
Nakicenovic, Univ.-Prof. iR Dr. Dr.hc | Nebojsa | IIASA |
Schleicher, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Stefan | Universität Graz, WIFO |
Schmidt, Dr. | Barbara | Oesterreichs Energie |
Schneider, SC Dr. | Jürgen | BMNT |
Unger, Prof. Dr. | Stephan | St. Anselm College |
Vogel, Dipl.-Ing. | Theresia | Klima- und Energiefonds |
YEP, 2nd Cycle: Participants
last name, title | first name | institution |
Akinci, Ing. MSc. | Hüsamettin | Wiener Netze GmbH |
Andiappan, Dipl.-Ing. BSc. | Anitha | RAG AG |
Baierl, MSc. | Maria | BMNT |
Berger, Mag. | Michael | VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH |
Böckl, Dipl.-Ing. | Benjamin | Montanuniversität Leoben |
Buchegger, Mag. | Andre | WKÖ |
Burgholzer, Dipl.-Ing. | Reinhard | VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH |
Eiler, Mag.rer.soc.oec. | Peter | VERBUND AG |
Fahrnberger, Mag. | Vera | Oesterreichs Energie |
Fürnsinn, BSc. | Bernhard | Interessengemeinschaft Windkraft Österreich |
Gartner, Mag.phil. Mag.rer.soc.oec. | Verena | WKÖ |
Gaschi, Dipl.-Ing. | Milot | Wiener Netze GmbH |
Hahn, BSc. | Philip | EVN AG |
Haller, Mag. | Maximilian | Siemens AG Österreich |
Hemis, Dipl.-Ing. | Herbert | Magistrat der Stadt Wien, MA 20 |
Huber, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Birgit | Siemens Schweiz AG |
Irschik, Mag. MSc. CEMS MIM | Philipp | Energie Steiermark AG |
Kahler, Dipl.-Ing. | Christopher | Wiener Netze GmbH |
Killian, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Michaela | Wien Energie GmbH |
Kolar, Dr. LL.M | Julia | VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH |
Macher, Dipl.-Ing. | Peter Christoph | KELAG AG |
Marko, MSc | Florian | BMNT |
Mayer, Dipl.-Ing. MSc. | Josef | Siemens AG Österreich |
Migglautsch, Mag.iur. Dr.iur. MBA | Robert Johann | Energie Steiermark AG |
Nauschnegg, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) | Daniel | Energietechnik Nauschnegg GmbH |
Perterer, MA, MAIA | Lucas | OMV AG |
Pink, Dipl.-Ing. | Florian | Austrian Power Grid AG |
Rab, Dipl.-Ing. Msc. | Nikolaus | VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH |
Reinfeld-Spadt, MMag. | Raphaela | Energie Burgenland AG |
Richter, Dipl.-Ing. | Wolfgang | TU Graz |
Ritter | Johannes | Universität Innsbruck |
Steidl, Dipl.-Ing. | Bernd | Universität Innsbruck |
Tabakovic, Ing. MSc. | Momir | FH Technikum |
Thaler, Dr. | Florian | OilX |
Theuermann-Bernhardt, Mag. | Clemens | VERBUND AG |
Voldrich, BA | Alan | DA |
Wall, Dipl.-Ing. | Johannes | TU Graz |
Weissensteiner, Dipl.-Ing. | Thomas | Pöyry Energy GmbH |
Wolkinger, Dipl.-Ing. | Doris | Energie Steiermark Green Power GmbH |